Day 21:
Juice: Apple Tang
Apple Tang:3 Apples
1 Grapefruit
1 Lime
I needed to cut down on the fruit for this juice because my glasses aren't big enough sometimes to hold all of the juice. The recipes are big. I normally cut back and apple, which is what I did today, but then the whole lime was too much. It was all a bit too bitter and sour for me.
*Note: Oranges and Grapefruit and other citrus should be peeled (I use a paring knife) of their skin, but leave as much of the white pith as possible. It is a big percentage of the food value. They also make the juice nice and frothy!
Grapefruits. Normally thought of as the diet breakfast food. But, they are ideal for juicing. As a member of the citrus family, Grapefruits carry a lot of the same stuff as their relatives: oranges, tangerines, etc... Typically big, juicier, Grapefruits are rich with flavonoids (our friendly plant pigment: See Day 11 for more detail), Vitamin A, B5, B6, and of course C. So, consuming a good amount of Grapefruits has many health benefits.
According to the USDA, one half a Grapefruit supplies 80% of an adults daily required intake of Vitamin C. Nice, right? Vitamin C helps boost and support the immune system, so flu season is a great time to hit the fruit isle for some Grapefruit.
Pink and Red Grapefruit (not white) contain lycopene, a carotenoid phytonutrient. "Lycopene appears to have anti-tumor activity. Among the common dietary carotenoids, lycopene has the highest capacity to help fight oxygen free radicals, which are compounds that can damage cells.
Choosing to regularly eat lycopene-rich foods, such as pink grapefruit, and drink green tea may greatly reduce a man's risk of developing prostate cancer, suggests research published the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Jian L, Lee AH, et al." (Source)
High in antioxidants and soluble fiber, Grapefruits have been proved to lower cholesterol, prevent kidney stones, and may even help repair DNA. I don't know about you, but this ruby red fruit seems like a good person to have on your team in time of need.
Emotional Lifestyle:
The Walking Dead: A Female's Critique of a Sexist Show
DISCLAIMER: I apologize in advance if you are a die-hard Walking Dead
fan. Also, please note I am not writing about the comics...I have
never read the comic books, so I cannot critique them. This is a critique of
the television show only. I am through season one and half of season two.
The Walking Dead, an AMC original, is a show I have been
trying desperately to like (much like Joss Whedon's Dollhouse, which aired on
Fox [2009-2010]). Now, The Walking Dead is already infinitely better than The
Dollhouse just by the casting:
Andrew Lincoln, caught my eye in Love Actually (2003) - yes,
he was in Love Actually. Though his part was small and his storyline was
stupid, I liked what he did with it. I researched him and discovered her was/is
a fantastic actor. The BBC show Teachers (2001-2003) is hilarious and
wonderful. There is also an array of other talented actors like Norman Reedus,
known primarily for The Boondock Saints (1999), Jon Bernthal, who I noticed in
the mini-series The Pacific (2010), and Jeffrey DeMunn, who I feel like I have
watched my whole life. He's in everything! So, with a cast like this and a few
bright new faces - most notably: Steven Yeun and Melissa McBride - how is this
show sub-par?
As far as action, blood, guts, and gore The Walking Dead
plays it well. I am a Zombie fan so, I generally enjoy the show. I am even
willing to overlook the 'Walkers' (as the Zombies are called) many
inconsistencies and contradictions (How are they rotting and outrunning our
cast?). However, what I have a hard time watching is there horrible (would
prefer to use a stronger, non-family friendly word there) female characters and
character development. Why do all the women characters suck so hard?!?! I will
reiterate, this is season one and half of season two I am referring to.
The guys, good and bad, are funny, fun, interesting and
constantly kicking Walker ass, while the women are back in the camp - where
they'll be safe, obviously, they left a few men behind to guard them. *Note the old man in the background. He gets to carry a gun.*

At the campsite, the ladies busy themselves with home-style chores - just
'cause the world's gone to hell, doesn't mean you can't have an orderly
Cooking the men dinner - because after a day of splitting
Walker's heads and figuring out what's going on they'll be famished, of course.
Caring for the children - they're called maternal instincts not
paternal instincts for a reason.
And doing laundry:
Why do you think you have
hands ladies? It sure ain't to carry a gun. That there is men's
I don't think any of the women, with the exception of Andrea
(the blonde one) even pick up a gun in season one. And I'm pretty sure Andrea
only fires it kill her own sister. She threatens to use it all the
time, but it turns out she doesn't even know how to use it. Well, thank god the
men are there when it really matters:
Shane beating up the abusive husband of one of the female
The Guys got back just in time to save the women and
children from the Walkers that wandered into camp. (Maybe if they'd left some guns with the girls they wouldn't have had to rush back)
**I love that in both pictures the women screaming and crying,
helpless in the background.**
The women do nothing. Nothing! And they are the most annoying characters in the show. Not a brain in the bunch. They are always making hard situations worse and mucking
everything up. The men constantly have to jump in and save them.
In Season two I think it actually gets worse. Spoilers Ahead.
Of course the
stupid little girl Sophia (daughter of the abused woman) gets herself lost in
the woods when she can't follow the simple instructions given to her by the
sheriff and leader of the pack Rick Grimes. I'd also love to not she is
supposed to be the same age as Carl Grimes (son of the sheriff) and yet:
Do they look the same age to you? What eleven year old girl trots around with her Raggedy Ann Doll? If she had that, she'd probably have it safely hidden in her pillow case where no one would see it.
Shane (a police officer and best friend of the sheriff)
starts to train these women to shoot, and yet they rarely do. Except Andrea,
who clearly isn't ready to handle a gun when she almost kills a Daryl (a group
member) when he is returning to camp. Thank god her aim sucked. The men then
decided to take her gun away from her like a child (in a very weird scene with
the older father-like figure), but the eleven year-old boy...he gets to have a
gun. Well, that's just common sense.
But my favorite is when Lori Grimes (wife of Sheriff, who
thought he was dead and couldn't stand being without the protection of a man
even for a month, so she shacked up with his best friend - Shane) becomes
pregnant and she's also not sure if she wants to have it. She keeps it a
secret, but slowly news spreads around the camp. Practically every man gives
her a little speech telling her she has to keep it for the future of mankind
(dramatic much). However, when she decides to get rid of it and downs a handful
of morning after pills (as if it
would abort it), but suddenly she has a change of heart (of course she does)
and hucks them up. Her husband, The Sheriff, finds out he full on yells at her
(and he never yells at her for anything...not even the affair she had with his
best friend) for trying to loose it...apparently, an affair it's not as bad as
a woman wanting/trying to have an abortion. The scene turns into a big cry-fest
on her part and she pleads and sobs for forgiveness saying "I made a
mistake." The scene feel like she was alcoholic who started drinking
again, not a women who weigh the options (for the previous two episodes) and
decided the best course of action for survival. Why is everyone telling this woman to have a kid in
an apocalypse?!
So, the show is sexist and pro-life apparently.
Now, I am not
asking for all of the females to be amazing gun slingers, just some equal
representation. There wasn't a single women on the Atlanta police force with them who
survived? Not a single women in the military made it anywhere? Can't we just have one character who can do something other than
You know, maybe this should actually be a critique of AMC in
general because now that I'm thinking about it...a lot of there shows have
annoying/ stupid female characters.
- Mad Men is 'allowed' to be sexist under the guise of the 1960's. The 'strong' women are strong while glammed up in 1960's constricted clothing, make-up, hair dos and 'strong' by 1960's standards.
- Breaking Bad the wife sucks. She is one of the worst characters on the show. The other female character, her sister is neurotic, of course both have fantastic husbands with deep and rich character growth. The son is a wonderful character as well and well acted character. Pinkman, like Daryl in The Walking Dead (The Redneck Character), is portrayed as uneducated, immoral, and has questionable loyalties but written well - endearing himself to us as viewers.
- Hell On Wheels set in the 1860's so it is 'allowed' to be sexist, but there really aren't a lot of women characters. There is one main female character that I can think of.
Maybe AMC should consider hiring some new writers, because
though the they are showing this:
A lot of women are seeing this:
For more about this topic consider reading:
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